Teen Programming
Teen programs are held in our lower-level meeting room. The library hosts teen events monthly. Check out the library's online calendar to find out about upcoming teen programs at the Columbus Public Library!

Digital Resources
Use your phone, tablet, computer, or eReader to enjoy free eBooks and audiobooks from Wisconsin's Digital Library for Teens! This resource is powered by OverDrive, so take a peek at their Getting Started Guide or visit the library to learn about downloading content to your device. If you have any questions, stop by the library or try OverDrive Help.
Every summer, download 2 audiobooks a week and keep them FOR.EV.ER!
Download the Overdrive App (if you're using a mobile device)
Image- Go to http://audiobooksync.com
- Download two audiobooks a week
- Listen to them whenever you've got time- no return date!
The audiobooks are only availble during their featured week, so be sure to download each week and go back to listen later. Titles switch every Thursday morning.