Friends of the Library

Friends of the Columbus Public Library Logo, Collage of library gardens, teen space and the library annex

About Us

The Friends of the Columbus Public Library is a group of citizens from Columbus and the surrounding area who support the Library's mission by fostering literacy, raising funds, and educating the public about the Columbus Public Library's available facilities and future needs. We are always looking for new members and volunteers to join our efforts. You can be involved with the group as fits your schedule.


Members meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 5:00pm in the library's lower-level meeting room. 

Ways We Support the Library

We raise funds to enhance library programs, materials and projects. Some ways we've provided support are: 

  • $5,000 Donation for the Library Remodeling
  • Landscaping the Library Gardens
  • The Donation of Materials & Supplies
  • Sponsoring Programs
    • Sponsored ZooZort, Summer 2023

How We Raise Funds

One way we raise funds is through our Bookstore (in the Annex next door to the Library). We offer gently used books of all genres and for all ages at very affordable prices. The Bookstore is open every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month from 10am to 2pm.

You can also shop a selection of our inventory online at our Friends of the Library eBay store

Join Us!

If you would like to join the Friends fill out our online form and a Friends member will contact you, OR email us at FriendsCPLWI [at]

Find us on Facebook.

Find us on Instagram.

Thank You for Supporting the Friends of the Columbus Public Library!