Library Value Calculator

What's the Library Worth to You?

We know you value the services and resources provided by your public library, but just how much are those services worth? How much would you pay out-of-pocket if the library didn't exist, or if these services and resources weren't available at no cost?

Take a moment and reflect on your library use over the past month, then plug those numbers into the form. This page will calculate a total value related to the items you checked out and the services and resources you used. It also calculates a "return on investment" that is based on the per capita library expenditures in your community.

Columbus Literacy Council Looking for Tutors

Graphic that reads: "Columbus Literacy Council Looking for Tutors" with paperclip background

The Columbus Literacy Council is looking for tutors to work with children and adults of all abilities. The Columbus Literacy Council is able to offer, but are not limited to, ESL, remedial school help for all grades, GED test prep, citizenship and other subjects. 

If you are interested in becoming a tutor for either school age or adults, training will be available this fall from Wisconsin Literacy, our parent organization. Training is free and some can be completed online. Please contact the Columbus Literacy Council for more information at:

If you would like to work with a tutor, please send an email with your learning goal to interest to: